Wednesday 7 September 2016


Came across this statistics on children, by UNICEF, and we cannot overlook it. Find excerpts from their reports, below. Some in text, others in pictures:
''One in every 45 children in the world today is on the move. They may be labelled “refugee,” “displaced” or “migrant.” But first and foremost children are children. No matter where they come from, no matter who they are. Period.''
''...In Northeast Nigeria, at least 950,000 children displaced!''
''75,000 children treated for severe acute malnutrition this year in northeast - many still to be reached!''
''66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world,with 23 million in Africa alone.''
''"More than 130 [children] will die each day [from severe acute malnutrition] without assistance."
''Around the world, nearly 50 million children have migrated across borders or been forcibly displaced.''
''"Children on the move are at risk of the worst forms of abuse" 
''The number of child refugees has risen 77 per cent in five short years. Astounding. Their voice, their plight and the issues they face must be heard. It is our job to do this.'' 
''Children are not responsible for the bombs and bullets, gang violence or shriveled crops and low wages driving them from their homes. But they are always the first to be affected by war, climate change and poverty.''

We should take a cue from Muhammad; #BeLikeMuhammad

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