Monday 10 October 2016


Well it is! Mondays is one of the few things I know adults throw tantrums about. #fact

But for how long would we continue to throw funny overage tantrums, or at the best, pretend Mondays do not happen? BREAKING NEWS: ''THEY ALWAYS WOULD!'' You might as well get used to it.

On Diary of a Naija Girl, I found someone who would 'kill' for a working Monday like you have. Maybe this would make you appreciate your Mondays better. I'll bet you don't think the grass is greener on the other side! Meet (simply) Sulaimon:

''My name is Sulaimon. I am 32 Years Old. I Studied Anatomy at Ladoke Akintola university of technology. After graduation, getting a job was very difficult. For 3 years I tried and went for countless interviews but I had no luck

During my job hunting, I just go around doing petty jobs. I would save a lot and deny myself of necessity since I didn't know when I would make money again. After 3 years, I got tired of searching for a job and I decided to modernize my dad's old bakery with the little money I had saved. First I went for Honeywell seminars where I was certified About bakery. Then I started with one corner of the bakery. From 2 bags of flour, we are now the leading bakery that feeds the people of Alimosho local Govt

We are growing, now I'm saving hard again to also set up a mortuary in the nearest future so I can pursue my ambition which is Anatomy.'' #MondayMotivation 

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