Wednesday 12 October 2016


The woman in the pic above is our woman crush, this Wednesday and we'd tell you why!
Her name is Chinyere Abang, a mother of two, but between her two babies, there was a hiccup... Pretty Mrs. Abang suffered ( or do we say 'survived') an ectopic pregnancy after her first child. She started to feel pains around her abdomen, and then she would start to see patches of blood like she was menstruating. She felt it was implantation (i.e, the baby trying to fix itself to the uterus/womb).This would continue for some time. And then one night, she woke up to a sharp pain, her hubby was scared... They eventually made it to the hospital and the baby was flushed out. Chinyere Abang lost a Fallopian tube in the process of her surgery, it was ruptured!
(I am tempted to say 'long story short', but I already put out the story! Lol) Chinyere was quite hopeful after her experience, even while trying to get pregnant with just one tube. She let God do what only God could do as she continued to live her authentic life as a make-up artiste (business name: Cheecheelive), a Canon-inspired photographer (lol) and wonderful mother to a smart kid- Grace. (That 6-year-old asked me 'funny-serious' questions that got me wishing for my childhood again). Chinyere Abang kept HOPE alive, and today, Grace has a new playmate and muse. We celebrate you today, Mrs. Abang. We also celebrate your 7-months-old bunch of cuteness. P.S: Guys, I recorded an interview with Chinyere months back. It was my first ever try at Chi Chats; the Classroom. I was going to film with my Windows phone as I wanted to start BY ALL MEANS, with what I could afford. She believed in my dream. On getting to her house,she offered and it was done with her camcorder. Did we use your rechargeable lamp as lighting again? Lol. She also told me about Window Media editor and 'something something' converter, and I went home and had for myself a one-night crash course in video editing. And I would go to church the next day and sleep all through. I practised with our interview; she gave me the opportunity of an experience and let me make my mistakes, with her story/interview. To her, and to all of you who follow me now (before I beat Oprah to her game), I really do see you, I appreciate your likes and shares and I do not take stuff like that for granted. At all. I shall upload that video as a #TB tomorrow! More pictures of Chinyere Abang below:


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