Thursday 17 November 2016


This story (which should be taken with a pinch of salt) just surfaced on the internet that the South African president Jacob Zuma has signed a bill that seem to be the greatest step in history of trying to combat HIV. From now on every person who gets tested and found to be HIV positive would not just get counselling and medication. They would also get a mark in a form of a tattoo near their genital according to the bill singed by the president.
This  story which was published by a satirical South African website in 2015 and then brought back in 2016 by the same site and another one notoriously known for not checking facts, has now made headlines.  According to news making the rounds, the president after signing the bill, was quoted as saying:
“The mark is to protect those who can’t say no to sex. I mean if you can’t read between the lines you should read between the legs because that’s where the status would be tatted. The choice to be HIV positive is now in your hands or your genitals for that matter….We also encourage those who had been living with the virus to go to the nearest public hospitals to get their status tatted in.”
Imagining this is true, what do you think...
Is it proper for HIV + people to be tatted with their status around their genitals? 
What about those whose faith is against tattoos?
Is this or is this not a form of stigmatization?

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