Sunday 28 August 2016


Words from Lynxxx. He captioned this picture like this:
''Which is worse... A physical prison cell or a mental jail? ..Ill say a mental Jail because someone physically locked up can still be very FREE in his mind and spirit... For example, Apostle Paul was jailed physically but God used that for good and gave him a free spirit and mind to write the powerful books in the new testament he wrote and inspired... 

Now where am i going with this? MANY of us are living in mental jails but walk around with a fake smile year in year out! Alot of us are living with issues, dissatisfaction, guilt, being oppressed, being maltreated, feeling empty, dissatisfied with life, know the way we are living isnt right but continue anyway, bad habits, drugs, financial distress, Losing our morals for materialistic items, losing our dignity to fit in, allowing society be our God and the list is endless!
We ALL have something we are dealing with! The richest man STILL has problems... Many people are empty in one way or the other and use all sorts of distractions to "Attempt" to fill the void. 
The moral of this is, spread Love! Be kind to one another! Call up a friend and check on them, and LISTEN to one another... Alot of females are going through domestic violence in their homes and cant speak out for help...Dont suffer and smile to keep up with the Joneses.. Speak up, a problem shared is a problem solved.
Get closer to God, pray more, listen more, go to church and listen with your heart, read the bible with the Holy Spirits assistance and set your self free.

God is Love, Spread Love and make the world a better place! 

Happy Sunday Yall... God bless 🙏🏾 #ManLikeLynxxx #God1st #Lynxxxdom #Lynxxxstagram #DailyLynxxxspiration #PurposeDriven #ManWithAGreaterPurpose #Awake #PrayForYou #Woke #ServeYou''
Long read, right? But were you (in the spirit of Sunday, I'll say) 'blessed?'

Source: Instagram

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