Tuesday 20 September 2016


Your life is yours to live, but we really do hope this helps you put things in perspective.

I don't know who this woman is, but stumbled on her story on different social media platforms (well, because apart from shooting Chi Chats original stories, I blog, additionally, so I surf the internet. Call it 'snooping', whatever! lol).

Seriously now, you should really read this story:
''I met my ex now, when I was in high school, and we started dating when I was 17 and he was 16. P.S. I am 28 now, and yes still single
I got pregnant fairly quickly, I mean in the first month, i.e. the first time we had sex. I told him, and we discussed it. I made the hardest decision of my life at the time to abort the pregnancy seeing as we were too young and we had big dreams
We stayed together, and went to the same college, where we continued our relationship. I got pregnant again in my 3rd year of college and yes he convinced me to abort the pregnancy again which I agreed to as I knew it would actually affect my long term goals
However, he promised to marry me once we graduated, and we had steady incomes, I believed him, cause he was so hardworking and focused on his goals throughout college. The last time I had an abortion was exactly two years ago which was the hardest
He recently got a very high paying job in Dubai, and he said he didn’t want to be away from me and the baby so I should abort it  and once he relocated back to the US we can start preps for our wedding and try for a baby, I trusted him. I told my best friend at this stage, and she said I shouldn’t go through with it. However, I was too scared to lose him so I went ahead and had the abortion
Once he got back from Dubai, things completely changed and he left me in the dirt. A year after he left I found out he got married to some chick we went to college with.I contemplated everything from Murder, to Suicide. I had a huge breakdown but realised my life was worth more than the hurt and now I CONTINUE TO HEAL
When all is said and done, if your wants are being sacrificed for another’s happiness then you really have to think wisely if it is worth the sacrifice and ensure you don't waste your life on empty promises.''

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