Wednesday 14 September 2016


'The same beard that I was bullied for, I now hold a world record for!'

Meet Harnaam Kaur who has set the record for 'the youngest woman with full beard', according to the Guinness Book of Records:

Announcing her record, she wrote:
''I can now proudly announce that I am a Guinness world record book holder! 
I have been wanting to publish this news for absolutely ages, but I had to keep things under wrap until the booked launched (today).
I am super proud to hold this record, the inner child in me is so pleased.
I grew up reading this book, I even tried breaking some of my own records wanting to be in this book.
It is amazing to be valued and celebrated being a Bearded Lady. I am proud to hold this amazing record 🌺
I hope those who read or see my record can take away positivity, inspiration and realise that no matter who you are or what you look like, you are officially amazing!
I present to you my record as 'The youngest women with a full beard'''

But before she finally achieved this feat, the world never understood her. She said:
''I still can't believe that I am a Guinness world record holder as the 'youngest woman with a full beard.' I've been bullied horrendously to the point of self harm, suicide, depression and anxiety because of my beard! My oh my how the tables have turned. It is now due to my Beard that I hold a world record! 
This here, right now is what I want people to learn and understand. People will always taunt what they don't understand. We just have to learn to love and accept ourselves for all that we are, and for everything that we have inside us! Your 'flaws' are what makes you different from the rest. Your 'flaws' are powerful because they allow you to be unique ❤️💜 Flaunt them fully, unashamedly and wholeheartedly! 
I've been on a journey that has taken me through many emotions. I found self love and self liberation through just simply one day waking up and saying 'I WANT TO BE ME!' Be strong and push through your though times! I promise you it will be well worth it ❤️💜 Harnaam Kaur: From being bullied and suicidal to now becoming a world record holder ❤️💜 The same beard that I was bullied for, I now hold a world record for!''

 Be you; live!

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