Wednesday 14 September 2016


The story of 19-years-old Katie is a cycle so many of us are familiar with but do not take seriously. Depression spoils so much more than we see, and in most cases, before we can have a grip on it, it's late. Read Katie's story from Scotland, below:

''When I began high school I never really fit in. I was bullied about the way I looked which made me insecure about myself. I was called names and my self image was so low that I began to believe them. I'd wake up in the morning and look into the mirror and felt repulsed with what I see.''

''One day I was looking into the mirror and was so upset by what I saw that I punched the mirror and it shattered at my feet. I picked up a piece of the glass and that is when my self harm began. I always told myself that I would never do it again but then name after name, cut after cut, my life starting falling apart. My body was covered in scars and by the end I felt like a broken soul that was incapable of being loved by anyone, especially myself.''

''Bullying was a huge trigger for my mental health and it makes me sad that other people around the world are experiencing similar things. One of the biggest helps in my recovery was my support network. After years of feeling incapable of being loved I now have the most beautiful girlfriend who has been amazing during my recovery. I struggled a lot with my sexuality and self image as a teenager but she's made me feel beautiful again. Depression is a difficult thing to overcome and I managed to come out the other end a better person. I don't regret anything in my life.''

"Scars tell us where we've been, they don't have to dictate where we are going.” 
Do not give people so much power and authority to decide for you who you are. Have a grip on yourself; focus on everything positive! Thanks Katie for sharing.

Courtesy: The Lives of Others 

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